Sunday, May 24, 2009

Rambling Thoughts

I thought that going through my own seperation and divorce was hard, but seeing a close friend go through it is just as tough. I feel so bad for this person and so mad a the other person that is causing the pain. I wish there was more that I could do for my friend, but spending time and being there is all that I can do. I wish there was a way that I could fix the problems, but I know there is not. I feel bad because I see the pain and I know what this person is going through. Going home to an empty house is the hardest thing that someone can do, especially when you want to be with the person that you love. It is true, to a certain extent, that time heals all wounds. Time does dull the pain, but the hurt and memories are always there. Sure it will not hurt as much for my friend, but it never truely goes away. Meanwhile the person that caused the pain goes on with their life like nothing has happened. I am sure that is what is happening now. Sooner or later this person will realize everything that they have thrown away. Unfortunately it will be too late. Honestly, I hope that it is not too late when the realization comes...but I am sure it will be. Meanwhile, a person that is very close to me has to deal with the heartache that accompanies such a mistake. All I can do is listen, try to make my friend laugh or smile, and encourage them. I guess that what a friend is for, but I wish this was not happening...not to such a wonderful person. I just wish that things will change for the better, whatever that may be.

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